You may have seen my request on Instagram/Facebook - I am putting together a digital "birthday card" for Sis Rodda. I need you to video yourself saying Happy Birthday and send it to me either text at 801-664-6088 or email I think a lot of people think "she doesn't want to see me" or "everyone else will do it so I don't need to" or too shy or whatever. No excuses though, ok? Contact me with questions/problems. I'd like these by the end of the week. Thank you so so much!! Jenn
Week of 10/12/15-10/18/15 (kinda long, whoops)
Monday: Our preparation day was great last Monday. We went to the other side and went bowling with our district. I took second overall (I am humble about it too). Because we are the ONLY apartment in the mission without a washer and dryer (UGH) we spend most of our Mondays at members’ homes doing laundry (but I LOVE the members!). We also had to take a pit stop at Sweet Mona's of course! That evening we had 3 lessons with recent converts and less actives! Our first lesson was with a less active couple. They were really active in their last ward but for some reason people (like this couple) come to the Island to just "chill" for a while. When we stopped by their house a couple weeks ago we asked if we could "practice teaching" on them. We have to keep up our teaching skills with our lack of investigators, and they agreed. When we showed up on Monday they both came to the door, they turned off the TV, and we taught a 25 minute lesson including 5 minutes of feedback on where we can improve. We even set up a return appointment. After them we went to the Dowds. They are a recent convert family and are doing so well. We also practiced on their family and it was fun for them to take on the role of investigators. Following the Dowds, we taught our recent convert, Kristina! WE LOVE HER! She shared her conversion story with Sister Bell and the spirit was so strong.
Tuesday: We had a meeting with our Ward Mission Leader, tried to do service at a place in the community but they didn't have anything for us to do, and we went to dinner at this awesome pizza place with two members of our congregation. YUM YUM YUM (we even got to take the left overs home- the Islanders rock). We also got to teach another less active. I taught her a few times when I was with Sister Perkinson but we hadn't been able to get a hold of her in FOREVER (dang Islanders). Luckily, we stopped by and she let us right in (*cough* NEVER HAPPENS). She is literally a latter day Job by the way. You name anything awful and she's experienced it. She has even been blown up. I am sure she has been struck by lightning like 10 times too. Sometimes people get the unlucky side of the wishbone. <-- I made up that phrase just barely, pretty clever I say. Anyway, she has been struggling a lot (I would too if I was a modern day Job). And all that kept coming to mind was the scripture my family is "ponderizing" this week. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." There is a difference between the peace of God and the contentment of life. Content consists of simply enduring and little satisfaction. Peace requires love, trust, harmony, and enduring WELL which brings temporal and eternal happiness.
Wednesday: We had zone meeting early in the AM which means we have to catch an earlier boat. YIPPEEEEE. I think the worst part about the ferry ride is you can't have your car on so you shiver until the friction of your jaw warms your whole body. Which first of all doesn't happen and second of all it isn't even winter yet. But here is the awkward story: A few months ago we were sitting in a big zone conference with half of the mission. In the middle of some instruction by the assistants, President Bonham points at an elder and calls him up to the stand. He whispers something to him and the elder heads back to his seat. On the way back to his seat he took off his suit coat and gave it to one of the sisters sitting at the front of the chapel who was freezing. Okay so now fast forward to last Wednesday. Sister Bell and I show up to zone meeting a little early because you are either 30 minutes early or 30 minutes late because, unfortunately, you can't control the captain of the boat. We are like ice cubes in a chapel of -10 degrees. Because of this elder experience and the "okay" from the mission president, an elder took off his suit coat and hands it to me. UHHHH AWKWARDDDDDD. I felt too bad to say no so I just took it. But 30 seconds later we left to go to the "bathroom" and I just so happened to leave the suit coat on the back of the pews. We also had the wonderful opportunity to give instruction at Zone Meeting on hope. It went well, I was so proud of Sister Bell. She is a great teacher. :) We had a lesson with a recent convert, Zaven, later that day and we had a meeting with our Bishop.
Thursday: We finally had a lot of working time! We went to one of the lowest points of our area (geographical wise- and probably in other ways as well). We were able to contact less actives, referrals, potentials, and we even sang to a very ill (would be active if wasn't so sick) member. Yes, you read that correctly. I don't know how I keep getting put in these singing situations, I even brought this one upon myself. Luckily he fell asleep while we were singing which meant it couldn't have been too awful. We taught two other less actives that evening. OH and Sister Bell and I got one-of-a-kind, original, Sea Hawks pillow cases! We are spoiled. This was literally a day of miracles. We have been praying and praying and praying to find prepared people or to have prepared people come to us and we got 3 texts that day with referrals. Unfortunately, one was texted to the wrong sister missionaries (not a funny joke to play), and one was a less active that didn't even live on the Island anymore. But we still had one! Pray for Jeff!
Friday: We had weekly planning so that took up most of our day. Our detailed planning might need to be cut down some so we actually get to the plans we are setting. Sometimes I get a little carried away. I like planning. We taught a returning less active! He is doing so well and we are looking on a temple baptismal recommend soon, just a few challenges in the way right now that we are working on.
Sunday: I will keep this one short. It was stake conference. The best quote was, "If things aren't adding up in life then start subtracting."
Goals this week: Okay I am absolutely TERRIBLE at street contacting. I can tract hours on end but when it comes to street contacting I can't stop a single person. So whenever I saw someone on the street my goal this week was to STOP. Even if I didn't know what to say my goal was to plant my feet. It was really hard and pretty awkward at times. I know Heavenly Father put this one guy in our way just so I could be tested with my goal and I totally bombed it. My way of justifying it: At least I said hi and asked him how his day was going even though he didn't respond. It's so funny because people think if they don't look at you than we can't see them. It's like Coco and the hamster. "If I don't see you, you aren't there." I did stop one lady though and we even got a handshake. What a blessing- people think we are diseased or have cooties or something. Like, hello people of planet Earth, I am still a human being! Not some alien creature from planet Zod.
Something learned: One day I had this thought... I was in a good mood, singing hymns to myself (probably annoying Sister Bell- and making her headache worse) and then the thought came to me... "We choose to be happy. When we are upset, annoyed, mad, etc. we are only making ourselves miserable nobody else."
Additional Learning Experience: Sister Bell so kindly let me know that I talk in my sleep. Like how embarrassing. I guess one morning I was talking about cottage cheese... I don't even like cottage cheese. It would be one thing if it was like s'mores or donuts or dill pickle sunflower seeds... BUT COTTAGE CHEESE?! Gross.
All my love,
Sister Rodda.
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